The Ladies Guild
The Ladies Guild started soon after the end of the 2nd World War, being in existence for more than 50 years. They used to raise money through various events, such as jumble sales, and that money went towards helping the shul. Today raising money through various Ladies Guild events is still a part of their activities, as well as donating money to various charities over the year and supplying parcels for those in need at Purim, Pesach and Rosh Hashanah.
The Ladies Guild meets once a month and usually has an attendance of between 15 to 20. They all get on well and seem to enjoy their time together. From the start they have managed to get a speaker to come almost every month although it is getting harder to find speakers who do not want a large fee - it really is a challenge for the Guild.
They prepare kiddushim on Shabbat morning ranging from basic cake and wine, cholent and kugel and also buffet style fishball/ herring etc. depending what the community needs. The Guild also helps at our yomtov events over Succot, Shavuot and Purim as well as catering for the annual Shabbaton and M'lava Malka. For the last ten years or so the Guild has arranged outings both for their own members, and for the community in general.
They have been to Windsor Castle, Buckingham Palace, Kensington Palace, Hampton Court, Waddesdon Manor, Blenheim Palace and many more. They have been up to Beit Shalom, the Holocaust Centre, in Nottingham on two occasions. About twenty years ago, the Guild instituted the award for a Woman of Worth in the community – ever since then on Simchat Torah a presentation is made to the recipient. The Guild has adapted well to the move to the new shul, and now have a proper kitchen to use, as distinct from the very cramped conditions in Coventry Road, or even worse in the old house!